Carrot Global is leading the implementation of leadership
skills to quickly adapt to changing environments and foster leaders
who lead the growth of members of the organization.
CCL L4S Program
The L4S Leadership Program is a program that drives success and growth as a leader that impacts the entire organization.
Based on the leadership behavior research of CCL, the world's leading leadership research institute.
Total 16 hours of training (8 hours*2 days or 4 hours*4 days)
Composed of 4 themes (Self awareness, Learning agility, Influence, Communication)
Both face-to-face and non-face-to-face education are possible (non-face-to-face education manuals are available)
Problem-Based Leadership Program
Problem-based leadership is an active learner-centered workshop program based on field cases experienced by organizations, and consists of discussions, research, reflection, and presentations.
Create customized scenarios based on issues and difficult situations.
Active Learning through CD-PAS Problem Solving Techniques.
Collection of on-site problem case studies and solutions.
Leadership Programs by Levels x Competencies
A practical leadership program that adapts the Harvard Business School leadership program to suit the local business environment.
Curriculum based on the Harvard Business School Leadership Program.
Provides tools, procedures, and tips to easily apply what has been taught in the field.
Provide educational content and coaching to respond quickly and effectively to major business problems that occur.
The program consists of ‘Micro-learning’, workshops and coaching.