Own Assessment Center to develop an array of standardized and customized evaluation tools
to accurately assess a variety of language proficiency and global competences.
Personality test such as enneagram is also offered.
Speaking Proficiency Assessment Center (SPAC)
Measures and analyzes learners’ linguistic competency by assessing learners’ speaking ability, fluency, speaking composition, and logic.
App-based (Android and iOS)
Results in 36 hours by professional raters.
Available for English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Japanese and Korean
Global Competency Assessment Tool (G:CAT)
Assessment of one’s global competencies that are required of leaders in global business settings and which may in turn influence business performance of global business.
Available in 360-degree multidimensional evaluation
6 personal factors, 3 environmental factors
Suitable for selection of global business leaders and key host national leaders (in overseas operations)
Proven reliability and validity
Mock English Language Comprehension(ECL) Test
English language proficiency assessment tool, specifically developed for the international military students being considered for assignment or training in the United States or in the English language
On-line and off-line
Human personality test as a typology of nine interconnected personality types
Useful tool for self-understanding and self-development